In our latest instalment of our ‘Inspirational Artists’ Series, we’re looking at the pioneers of Machine Embroidery. These Machine Embroidery artists are guaranteed to inspire budding artists and admirers. As usual, we’ve combed the web and Instagram to find established and lesser-known artists that are really making waves with their creations.
The term ’embroidery’ often gets over-looked in the art world; regarded as nothing more than a craft. But these machine embroidery artists prove that masterpieces can be created from excellent craftsmanship, creativity and a trusted sewing machine. There are so many machine embroidery artists and makers excelling at exhibiting their own work and living off commissions. We’ve hand selected some of our favourites who are continually pushing the realms of creativity.
Don’t forget to check out our previous posts in our ‘Inspirational Artists’ series: Knitting & Crochet Artists , and Patchwork & Quilt Artists, and Hand Embroidery Artists you HAVE to follow.
And…. if you’re inspired by these artists and want to get creative then please check out our beginners online course Learn Machine Embroidery, or if you’ve already mastered the basics and want more of a challenge then take a look at our distance learning courses in Machine Embroidery.

Michelle Mischkulnig
We’re no stranger of Michelle’s Work. In fact, Michelle was the very first artist we interviewed for our inspirational artist series. Living and working in Australia, Michelle’s work has so much to offer. Striking designs and vibrant colours are a guarantee.

Cheryl Bridgart
Contemporary, multi-faceted artist Cheryl Bridgart draws with her sewing machine. Unconventionally, she doesn’t pre-draw the piece first but simply lets her machine translate her vision. Some of her pieces can take up to 400 hours to complete. She also teaches and has done countless solo exhibitions world world.
Instagram | Facebook | Website

Sarah Lawton
Textile Artist Sarah Lawton uses free machine embroidery to create these beautiful and enchanting pieces. We hope she continues to publish more work because it’s too good to miss.

Julie Heaton
Textile artist Julie Heaton creates pieces that are freely stitched by machine and was awarded third place for The Hand and Lock Prize in 2019. Her latest piece, Couple of the Tube, was a test of her abilities; a challenge to see if she could stitch faces. You can read more about her approach to tackling the project here.