Amanda Godden recently completed our Skill Stage 2 Crochet Course. She came to us a beginner but as a ‘lifelong learner’ knew that she wanted to develop her skills. Today, she tells us about all of the valuable techniques she’s learned and how she is working towards her goal of opening her own store.
Amanda Godden
My mother must have taught me the basics of crochet, although she was more likely to be found knitting. I hadn’t really done much crochet, but when my daughter was pregnant with her first child, I did what many prospective grans do – I crocheted a baby blanket for my grandchild. I researched before choosing a pattern and found so many online resources I was amazed at how popular crochet had become. That first baby blanket is still one of my favourite items, as it is full of different stitches, which add great texture and interest – and it is in many different coloured stripes, another favourite of mine. The variety of stitches available in crochet had me hooked, despite the fact that my blanket turned out with one end narrower than the other, as I must have lost stitches as I went!
I decided to look at taking an online course over the winter to improve my skills – I am a committed ‘lifelong learner’ and love to learn new skills and crafts. After some research, I settled on the School of Stitched Textiles, as it offered the reassurance of an course accredited by City & Guilds.

As a green beginner, I learnt so much! I’d never heard of Tunisian crochet before (although looking through my late mother’s hooks, I discovered that she had two). I had to google ‘blocking’ after my tutor suggested that my work would look so much better if I blocked it. She was right of course, it really makes a difference, lesson learned!

What Next?
After my daughter and other family members saw some of the items I’d crocheted, they suggested I try selling my wares online. My daughter is building me a website, and I am slowly and tentatively working towards this goal. I’ve decided to call my website ‘Print and Yarn’ as I make relief prints and cards in addition to crochet items.
As an absolute beginner, I was afraid my skills might not be sufficient. When I saw some of the items produced by other graduates, I felt quite overwhelmed. So my advice to other prospective students is, no matter how basic your skills, this course is accessible. You’ll love it and learn loads!
Its a good idea to plan your time and stick to some sort of schedule – it definitely helps. Work steadily through the course – and enjoy yourself!