Assessment piece by textile graduate Elena Beinborn who described the course as 'Fodder for the creative soul'

Fodder For The Creative Soul

Elena Beimborn’s journey through our Textiles Skill Stage 3 Course is one of perseverance, passion, and creative growth. Drawn to the course for its wide array of techniques and its online flexibility, Elena embraced the opportunity to explore new skills while navigating personal challenges.

Her motivation to engage with textiles as a form of self-care led her to remarkable achievements, including creating a deeply personal piece for her granddaughter and gaining the confidence to call herself a textile artist. Her story is a testament to the healing power of creativity and the enriching impact of our course.

Elena Beinborn described our textiles skill stage 3 course as "fodder for the creative soul"

“This course taught me that self-care by immersing yourself in something you are passionate about is invaluable. Itโ€™s not only good for self-esteem and confidence, but also for mental health. I have learned through encouragement from my tutor and fellow students that I am worthy of calling myself a textile artist.”

Elena Beimborn

โ€œFodder for the creative soulโ€ โ€“ Thatโ€™s how I would describe my stitch journey with School of Stitched Textiles (SST). Three months after signing up for the course, my then 10-week-old Granddaughter was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. Focusing on the course modules gave me an opportunity to lose myself in creativity! It helped me through a very difficult year for our family. Iโ€™m happy to say my now 2 year old granddaughter is cancer free. I stitched one of my final assessment pieces for her and my son to celebrate the many years of fungi foraging they will have ahead of them.

Motivation for Studying

During the Covid pandemic there was plenty of quiet time to think about how to move forward in life. For me this brought a renewed determination to do something self-indulgent. Textiles was an obvious choice for me- it has always been my happy place!

I have loved working with my hands since I was a child. Iโ€™m 53 now, and have been hobby stitching in various forms for most of my life. I have some prior technique knowledge, but the course encouraged me to dive deeper into each technique and learn some new ones along the way.

I chose the broader Textiles course. I knew this would allow me to learn a number of different techniques, and it fit in perfectly with my serial crafter personality! I am constantly flitting between different crafts, eager to try new techniques and add to my repertoire.

Textile artwork by graduate Elena Beinborn completed for module 10

Course Benefits

The School of Stitched Textiles offers a wide variety of disciplines to choose from. I was drawn to this course because the course was entirely online. You are allocated a one-on-one tutor who is always there should you have any questions along the way. My tutor was fabulous. She was very supportive, steering me in the correct direction if I started to go off piste!

I chose Level 3 because it incorporates two business modules. Although these were the most challenging part of the course, I found them immeasurably useful. They gave me the encouragement that (with careful planning and a solid business idea) it would be possible to generate some income from doing something I love.

This course taught me that self-care by immersing yourself in something you are passionate about is invaluable. Itโ€™s not only good for self-esteem and confidence, but also for mental health. I have learned through encouragement from my tutor and fellow students that I am worthy of calling myself a textile artist.

Textile artwork by graduate Elena Beinborn completed for module 9
Close up detail of module 9 work by Elena Beinborn

What’s Next?

First and foremost, I plan to carry on creating for my mental health. Stitching is nourishment that feeds my creative soul. The sense of calm and positivity it has on me also seeps into those around me. It gives me the strength and resilience to tackle everyday life, and the curve balls it can throw at us.

I now have the confidence to pass my skills onto others by hosting slow stitching workshops. I’m also curating a number of kits to sell online. I have started another online course learning to design my own fabrics for my work. This has always been a childhood dream of mine- completing the level three course has given me the confidence to move forward with this dream.


Your advice for new students?

If youโ€™re thinking about it but canโ€™t quite take the next step, in the words of a famous trainer manufacturer โ€œjust do itโ€! There are many benefits that come from taking time to focus on yourself and your creativity. Any course with the School of Stitched Textiles will guide you along your chosen creative path. The student support system (in the form of a personal tutor and the student Facebook group) are invaluable resources. Youโ€™re never on your own.

Choosing Textiles Skill Stage 3 (rather than a specific discipline) did make more work for me – there were a greater number of techniques to learn. It was also necessary to purchase different supplies for each discipline. If (like me) you relish variety, then this is a great option. I managed to incorporate general sewing, patchwork, quilting, appliquรฉ, machine embroidery, hand embroidery, dyeing, felting, handmade buttons, and a number of other techniques all in one place.

Give yourself permission to be self-indulgent and feed your creative spirit. You will need self-discipline, as this is all distance learning. Make sure to come up with a strategy that allows you to spend plenty of time on the coursework. I only work part time, but still found it challenging to fit everything in. Do consider this, especially if you already work full time! Take advantage of all the student resources, and never hesitate to contact your tutor if you are struggling. Most of all, enjoy your stitch journey one stitch at a time.

Joan Harrison Bursary

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