The Bursary winners have been announced and will go to win a place on their chosen courses.

Congratulations to our Bursary Winners.

Our Creative Bursary Scheme offers students the chance to study a course of their choice for free, and this time round we received over 60 applications across all of our City and Guilds accredited courses. Our tutors then shortlisted the finalists and you’ve been voting for your favourite all week.

We’re extremely pleased to announce that the winners of our winter 2018 creative bursaries are….

Bursary Winners


Emily Goate

Hand Embroidery by Emily Goate. Work submitted to School of Stitched Textiles Bursary application. A second Hand Embroidery by Emily Goate. Work submitted to School of Stitched Textiles Bursary application.

Emily won with over 42% of the votes across her category and will be studying Hand Embroidery Skill Stage 2. Emily shows a great deal of creativity and passion and at just 14 years of age, she really is a worthy winner.


Kellyann Horsburgh

Bursary Scheme application. Puppets created by Kellyann Horsburgh Puppet models designed by Kellyann Horsburgh submitted to SST bursary application

Kellyann has applied for our Textiles Skill Stage 3 course and with 39% of the votes she is the winner of her category. She has applied for this course to develop her costume making stills.

Runners Up

In second place…

Morven Jones

A felted creation by Morven Jones, shortlisted for the creative bursary at the School of Stitched Textiles. A felt design by Morven Jones, shortlisted for the creative bursary at the School of Stitched Textiles.

Morven received the second largest amount of the votes in her category and will therefore be awarded with a free place on her chosen course, Felting Skill Stage 2.


Sally-Ann Duffy

On Octopus Garden, Hand Emboirdery designs by Sally-Ann Duffy submitted to School of Stitched Textiles creative bursary Scheme and shortlisted. Pop Art Hand Embroidery designs by Sally-Ann Duffy submitted to School of Stitched Textiles creative bursary Scheme and shortlisted.

Sally-Anne has successfully secured her place on our Hand Embroidery Skill Stage 3 course after receiving the second highest number of votes in her category.

A HUGE congratulations to our very worth winners. We know that you’re really going to enjoy your course and we can’t wait to watch you flourish and grow as artists. Thank you to everyone that took the time to vote and well done to everyone who entered.

Joan Harrison Bursary

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Apply for a bursary to study one of our skill Stage 2 accredited courses for FREE!

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